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The shooting range

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This is the game of The shooting range on youtube. I hope you enjoy this very short game. It is one of my first flash games.

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not good

sorry mate, i don't know what those targets are meant to be, but this game really isn't set up that great, good work on the sounds and mechanics of the game, but the actual game needs a lot of work, what was with that dark level?

NATB100 responds:

Its ok man, take a look at my better flash game: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /554590

Its made using more advanced code, unlike this game.

(I actually built this game using nothing but keyframes and goto and plays!

Don't jump the gun

You are far from ready to make a flash game


not very good i got into the 2nd part and the ''shoot me'' thing always appeared in the same 3 places.. not hard so maybe make it appear randomly

NATB100 responds:

i will try to make the game longer and better. Remember, i have never used flash or codes till a few days ago.

not bad...

well it's not a bad game in theory, but it needs work. i.e. a scoring system or point scale would be a nice addition also u might want to think about the scope part and perhaps modify it to be more user friendly. But all in all a fair game for one of your first and don't give up on flash.

It's pretty fun.

The only thing is I think you should probably make the animation a little better than what is already.

Credits & Info

1.25 / 5.00

Aug 17, 2009
12:36 PM EDT