fruit salad yummy yumm y
Everyone loves Clock Day!
And Fruit Salad!
fruit salad yummy yumm y
Wiggles are my favorite band right next to Slayer.
If this flash were a woman I'd make sweet, sweet love to it all night long, or just physically abuse it. Either way.
Thank you so much for this incredible insightful review. I appreciate it very much. Cheers! :D
I have joke that involves this song with a friend so this made me lol my ass off! 10/10!
ahaha, thanks for the review :]
Happy Clock Day!
Great music, and the graphics were pretty good too. I like font you used, and while this may have only been one frame (aside from the pre-loader), it was a good one frame.
Happy Clock Day!
~ Z
Thanks a lot for the review :D!