Deserves a much higher score.
It's a simple concept, people... If you don't have the 3D glasses required to play this game, DON'T REVIEW IT.
I think it's safe to say that the reason this game is restricted to 3D-only play is because without the depth, quite honestly, it loses its flair.
Spinning around in circles to shoot targets isn't fun; What IS fun is being able to move far "into" and "out of" the computer monitor to reach the targets that are not only far away, but popping out in front of your face.
This game touts 3D anaglyph play, and I must say it does it quite well. Even the menus have great depth and pop-out effects. I just wish that before people reviewed it they would actually spent the pennies on the dollar to get a cheap pair of red/cyan glasses to play it RIGHT.