Im sorry!
But when I type functions(); and then click Execute stdin nothing happens...
Can you help me...
This is a simulation of the old times of computers where you inputed every command.
This one simulates a computer taking in C input.
Type "functions();" (no quotes) for the functions available.
This one has a easter egg - good luck finding it!
When you enter commands, press "Execute stdin" to run that command.
The output of commands are found above "Input to System" and below "Output of System". The input box is the box where "welcomeMessage();" is.
EDIT: Added quick sanity check for unknown commands.
EASTER EGG HINT: the function is bsod_now_cuz_im_bore*(); *=4th letter of alphabet
Im sorry!
But when I type functions(); and then click Execute stdin nothing happens...
Can you help me...
Do you have Flash player 8+?
not good
For some reasons I do not like it:
- I always have to click on the input line, even though it is the only thing that I can interact with.
- I cannot press enter to submit my input
- the notepad doesn't save my notes. (ok, I don't want a database saving of everything, but when I close the notepad and open it again, it should still know my last note [I guess that'S why it is called notepad ;) ])
- the input textboxes are hard to find, try to add a border.
- the input boxes contain text that tells the user that they are input text boxes, but this content is missleading. You could give some simple text like "input text here" that disappears when somebody gives focus to the input box
Same happens in the notepad.
- Old computers? Where's the blinking underscore? I really miss that.
The idea is not new, that's why it's urgently neccessary to add something new, something that makes this thing _your_ idea.
Sadly some people on NG never understand that there aren't just games here but also interactives.
good luck
Blinking underscores is hard for me to implement in flash.
I was lazy and thought that a execute button would be easy.
Not my cup of tea, but it's an interesting program. Try giving some examples f working functions with somethign like this.
I'm not sure about this.
Nobdy quite understands that where it says "welcomeMessage();" you put "functions();" in it's place. Then you press the words "Execute stdin"
what do we do?????
welcomeMessage(); box is where you type in a command use functions(); for help thx