This is not a RPG. It needs a pause button and music.
YOU = blue
GOAL = Increase size
CONTROL = mouse
RED = bad
GREEN = good
ORANGE = surprise
WHITE = mass extinction (>100 Objects)
SPEZIALS = stealth mode (don't move), warp around (think out of the box)
Improved layout.
Post your biggest size and tactics.
This is not a RPG. It needs a pause button and music.
Not bad
Could use some music.
Simple and good, needs some work tho
Biggest size was 81. Tactics - stay away from the red.
It's a simple game, but needs a little work. Maybe throw in some music and maybe a menu... Add some stuff to spice it up! overall, Idea of the game is good but there are a little kinks to work out (allowing the blue square to be brought out of the play area on the right side), but presentation needs some work. I'd like to see a "finalized" version of this someday...
Needs pause button.
This game sacutaly good but needed msuic and something too keep you entertained.
Yeah, needs music and sound.
But nice for playing it one time.
My highest score was 113, but there is no aim you have to reach, so it looses fun really fast.
Maybe there should be levels or rewards.
I only saw the effects of the specials, but not when I get them or from what. Thsi was kinda confusing.