Terra Strike by Pelle Abrahamsson
edit upgraded to v 1.104
added dificulty setting
edit upgraded to v 1.1
thanks to xtchsbrlx on newgrounds for helpful feedback
The story begins..
The Terra security forces have two men out on patrol where the first encounter takes place.
if you manage to finish this episode you can continue with your save file at http://www.newgrounds.com /portal/view/517135
This mighty beast of a game takes time to load and even the loading screen is a bit sluggish sometimes so take the time to fetch a drink.
It also takes power to run and it will run less good on old computers
But if you turn the quality down to medium you should manage on 3 year olds.
A,s,w,d, moves armor-unit , q switch to next armor-unit, mouse press to fire
Arrow keys navigates around map
You will have to figure out most things by yourself in this game.
Armored combat is not for the weak-hearted it will be a challenge.
If you manage to beat it you can save your game and continue with your items + stats in the next episode.
poke me if you find bugs and remember to tell me how you found them or i wont be able to fix it up;
Have fun and enjoy,
//--------------------sta ts guide---------------
maxap: maximum action points , it's the value you can spent do move every turn,
You can also spend during enemy turn.
maxhp: max hull points, when your hull points run out your down.
Acy: accuracy. It defines your chance to hit. Some weapons are less affected by your characters accuracy though.
CC Acy: close combat accuracy: affects your chance to hit in close combat.
CC dodge: close combat dodge: affects you chance to reduce damage dealt in close combat by hitting space at the right time.
RD Armor: ranged armor , reduces ranged weapon damage,
CC Armor: close combat armor: reduces damage in close combat.