Entertaining but...
The cartoon is getting out of the frame sometimes and the rest of the game is nice but not more than that...
DDR style remake of beautifulchaotic's Chick Habit
Use the arrow keys to play.
If you haven't watched the original Chick Habit, do it now before you play this game. I cut scenes and added different cameras to take some of the action off the screen due to distractions. Other than that, enjoy the game and check out Chick Habit along with all of beautifulchaotic's (my wife's) work. < /plug>
Entertaining but...
The cartoon is getting out of the frame sometimes and the rest of the game is nice but not more than that...
read comments for 'out of frame'
Great game!!!!
I was very entertained by the game and i love the song and the movie.....Great work....Keep 'em coming!!!!!
Quite enjoyable!
Dear konsole and beautifulchaotic,
The game had some OK graphics, but addictive gameplay. That's the least I would expect from a DDR-esque game. Haha! Crack games.
I enjoyed it and think that it should stay on Newgrounds. As far as criticism, the system on which the button pressing runs on isn't exactly perfect. Sometimes when I pressed the arrows perfectly the rating would be lower, and sometimes when I pressed it a little off, the rating was perfect. Other than that, graphics improvements are all that really should be considered.
The matching story animations were VERY amusing, and I love the music. Keep up the good work.
still working out the bugs on the button press timing. it's pretty close right now but i've noticed a few notes that aren't exactly on que. thanks for the positive feedback and keep an eye out for the next episode in the redux series.
It's a good flash but why is it DDR?
i went to see it
i saw ur wife's animation, it was pretty cool. im not sure if it was just me but the backgrounds were a bit differnt or not all there. the DDR is a good idea for the song. Too bad the whole thing wasnt there. Keep it up!