no thank you
Please vote and tell me what you think!!! THIS IS MY VERY FIRST ATTEMT AT FLASH!!!I need to give credit to http://www.obsidiandawn.c om for the lace brushes i used on some of the clothes.
Well thank you for all of your oh so blunt opinions. I don't know much about coding and all I knew how to do was the drag and drop action. But Iam going to learn more about flash and ill make the next one better iam just not experienced enough yet. But I put myself out there so at least give me the credit for that and more than anything I wanted to post it for the advice. And shes not fat her charecter design is based of dragon half I thought she was cute oh well. And iam glad some people like my style :).
NEW: I would love it if someone could tell me what i should do to make this better. Like how can i prevent my lines and art from looking pixelly because i think it may have to do with it being imported from photoshop and being so super scaled down? And how can i layer items in a way that you don't have to take one thing off to pt another on??
no thank you
There are few items but I like the style and the girl is completely cute.
I hope you improve this (there also some bug with the pants/stockings)
Very nice
Been getting bombarded with so many "dress up the celeb" or "dress up the popular girl" dress-up flashes, that they get really old after a while. But the art and girliness on this one was definitely different, in a good way. Probably the only dress-up game I've seen where cum stains are an accessory. Not counting off or giving points for that, it's least you know who your target audience is on NG. (LOL!) The mechanics of dress-up games are always the same, so it really comes down to art and style, which yours does well on.
Good Dress Up game! In my opinion you were in risk when you doing this game with a character like that, because most of peoples like girls with small proportions. But I am not one of them. I like that pretty girl with wide asss! Why 8? Too small brea5ts for my taste, no pubis hair and bug with black pants (dresses over the jeans but not over black pants)
Well Done
I liked the art style and the girl is completely cute.
I would rate the game higher, but it lacks something mechanically. I find myself doing strange things like having to remove her hair before I take off her bra.
Her clothes and hair are well-done, if limited. She herself is sexy and has an adorable pose. You've got a talent visually. I really like that she has an atypical body type for this genre of games.
You're getting some reviews here claiming she's fat or ugly, but one has to expect that if they do art that differs even slightly from the limited and unhealthy "acceptable" shapes.
I hope you won't be dissuaded by that sort of criticism.