tom is such a suck up
he treats the clocks with such respect when they post gay videos but when regular users post random shit they all ways get blammed!its shit...
help santa claus bring back christmas
tom is such a suck up
he treats the clocks with such respect when they post gay videos but when regular users post random shit they all ways get blammed!its shit...
To summarize
A C wearing a santa hat moving rocking back and forth, flashing backround, still santa image, pointless music. Nothing at all good about this one.
It's just a C and a Santa...WTF?!
No good.
The only good thing about this flash that is remotely decent is the sound, the track used is kinda funny.
The rest is outstandably poor.
A picture of C, a random christmas card,with annoying flashing backgrounds.
Epileptic is a good way to describe this flash.
Right ...
congradutions on such a lame ass "MOVIE" not game !!!