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Escape from a dark room. You can use only your flashlight and can not touch the walls. A wall avoider with a twist.

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Fun game

Has great potential. Try adding an enemy or a monster riding the walls or something to make it more chalenging

freemanoid responds:

Thats a great idea, definately an enemy coming in an update

Rather fun

You know what? It deserves an 7
It's a simple concept that's fun, the torch/darkness is a nice added thing to a maze game and because it quite simply made me feel claustrophobic. That in itself deserves applause. Could add a bit of music for effect and some more interesting levels, but it was simple and fun :)

freemanoid responds:

thanks for your generous score and kind words.


It's a good idea and works well. My advice would be:
Make it longer, it's good but there aren't enough levels
The click and lose thing is quite annoying, I think it's meant to stop the right click and jump thing, but it doesn't. Should be another way...
Maybe some music..

Overall ok, but not long enough.

freemanoid responds:

yeah. the click and lose thing prevents you from clicking and dragging. (clicking and dragging avoids roll over buttons) because of that, there is no other way.

Decent game,

but next time, make sure to disable the right click...

freemanoid responds:

please pm me, telling me how to do that

nice concept

well its different than the others maze games u could use setMask to with a gradient on the circle to get a better effect

freemanoid responds:

not sure how you do that, thats the original idea i had. is that just for cs3/cs4 coz im a flash 8 kinda guy lol. thanks

Credits & Info

3.09 / 5.00

Jul 7, 2009
2:55 PM EDT