Just a mouse avoider.
It's really not that good...It's really easy to cheat and it's not any better than all the other mouse avoiders out there. Not trying to bring you down but I personally just don't like these types of games unless they are pulled off awesomely. Fix the problem with the music replaying, and if you need help with that, PM me... Pick a more upbeat song, it doesn't suit this game at all, this song is boring and dreary. Oh, and your response to Stixcomic's review was pretty sad. Don't bring it against the user REVIEWING your game that he didn't enjoy your game. If he didn't enjoy it, he has the right to say he doesn't like your game, and even though you said it's hard to make good graphics in a game that really doesn't have that good level of quality. Improve on the game, put more effort into it, or make a new kind of game, or else don't expect people to like it.
-Blayke :)