Here to pay respects to a forgotten classic
Episode 70 : Ackbar has read the bible and he knows the plot.
Here to pay respects to a forgotten classic
This is classic, Ackbar at its best. Praise Xenu, praise the Dunk, praise Controllerroomguy.
It's kinda fun seeing the basic quality of the show improve this close to its end. I can only assume these later episodes took a bit longer to make than the earlier ones, and it shows.
7 seasons ,ma'boi!
The ending was just... There are no words for that awesome ending.
Keep 'em comin' ,man!
I see you're adding comments from others in these
I thought it was kind of ironic that a guy named Klu Klux Karl said your series was being racist a lot, now that is irony
Instant Classic
Great use of "The Lord Is My Dunkii"