what a game
Control thousands of megatons of space-borne nuclear firepower for the ED9K Legions of Death! Rain hell-fire on the Middle East (and France, of course), drive bin Laden out of his hole and blast him out of the sky, and heap honor and fear upon your name! With special guest appearances by Moamahr Quadaffi, Yasser Arafat, Saddam Hussein, and some Iranian dude.
what a game
I think people are looking for a game like this. Unfortunately this is a wasted opportunity. This could be a great educational tool, teaching the player geography, history, and info about nuclear weapons.
Instead its about as pithy as an edgelord in a chatroom repeating himself.
This is a flash about blowing up the middle east. Not very creative and very offensive. There is really no action and goal to achieve here. I do not recommend it.
Era of brainwashed meritards, still no improvement.
i nuked f*an🤮e