lol stamper
I love your work hulalaoo but IMO golfinho is better ;)
Captain Falcon !!! Falcon Punchhh !!!! NNNooooooo !!!
Haha hi, i are Hulalaoo, this is a work with parody of a video of Captain Falcon ! with character of the staff of newgrounds :3 tch?v=FFtw7qW7Vcw (THE ORIGINAL FROM THE ANIME)
this is my first animation with the tablet wacom, thanks Tom Fulp for the tablet :D
lol stamper
I love your work hulalaoo but IMO golfinho is better ;)
wow a parody
it's a parody of Falcon Punch great work and do no more. just joking do as much u whanna do hehe.
lol these are the best random parodys that show captain falcon pwn! awesome
This is awkward...
This is awkward, especially when I think about the REAL Captain Falcon who would be mad at you if he sees this flash! You should make a flash about his love with Samus, it would be better... AND NO PARODY!!!
Awesome e_e