I found that funny, decent voice acting. Good job.
What really goes into making a webcomic. It's harder than it looks.
I decided to animate today's comic. That was fun.
Read more: http://www.helloearthling .co.uk
Transcription for that first bit: "Alright, Murph, this next shot you've got to be super cool, like Batman kind of cool, but less growly more homely, you know what I mean? Like going into a bar and buying a frappuccino kind of cool, so the women all 'coo' and you get laid, that kind of cool, do you know what I mean? Alright, roll five."
I found that funny, decent voice acting. Good job.
Not bad...
Animation was simple, but good. Pretty funny though, could use some more action and movement but I guess it's a start. Good job, can't wait to see more.