Try to make the barrel of the gun not look like a penis next time :P
What happens when Pong gets a little too far? Find out in this short animation! (Based on Ultimate Pong!! animation.)
Try to make the barrel of the gun not look like a penis next time :P
haha okay lol
blam plz
not real sure why you even bothered to make this piece of crap. everybody says they put a lot of effort but do u ever stop to think that people may say it's good. just look at the famous creators. they stop and think about it for once and a while. word of advice," check and edit all of your life's bloody work". That's what I'd do. the reason being I don't have any flashes are because I'm putting everything together piece by piece so when the bloody flash trail runs out I got something to still keep making them. it takes time and money to keep making these flashes. not like you'll care because you just want to try to be bloody famous on a bloody website. not real cool or good. this is probably like a whole new level of being low for you.
shame on you!
Pointless and not funny story. This is worthless movie. Even white box is not in right place. You know you can do better than this. Everyone can...
Not a new concept, but not bad
This has been done already, but you probably never knew. There's a flash out there, done much better than the one you've created. It's called "Pong Gets Personal". Although someone beat you to it, your idea has not been overdone.
I suggest refining and retuning your work a lot more.