Is the game ever going to be made????
It look good and everything and since you've shown it to everybody why not ask for help??
Some people messaged me on DeviantArt today alerting me that someone else had posted this piece on NewGrounds and was apparently taking credit for it. And I noticed that it's getting noticed, so I figured why not post it legitimately.
This is a pre-vis intro cinematic for a currently unfinished game project. Just the art would be done in flash and then exported into 2d sprites.
Premise for the game is 2 players are nameless spies from rival government agencies competing to accomplish espionage and sabotage missions inside a large scale corporate building that may house an evil much deeper than COMMUNISM.
Main them is Eiffel Tower by The Brink.
Is the game ever going to be made????
It look good and everything and since you've shown it to everybody why not ask for help??
I was a bit disappointed at how this was short, but then I realize it was just an intro and boy I am happy to see that it was! This already has very stylistic animation even if it doesn't have much of a story, or at least none that I can understand. Using the idea of the Cold War and communism in a spy game just comes off as cool to me.
Pretty Epic
Good animation, cool music and nice idea
Well done, good music, and definitely has me looking forward to the game.
I found it entertaining at first but it got boring after a while you need something to keep people interested