my music ö
if you ever use it again would you mind telling me ? :p
rather funny, bizar movie..
here is My Dad's Birthday Present.
About My dad and his pal Jim hunting.
BTW. This never happend. he is careful when he hunts.
And he isnt stupid. lol
Its basically for him so if non of you dont like...then okay it is meant for my dad lol
my music ö
if you ever use it again would you mind telling me ? :p
rather funny, bizar movie..
sorry i will next time
Funny enough as it was the animation was bad but it has potential. The audio was pretty funny especially at the end "Run away Run away." Can't figure out why I find that mildly amusing but I did. Either way this does have potential and it can..dare I say... actually with more time and effort has a chance at something great..
so I'll give it 5/10 and give u a 2
thnx. well this was short. But i can say this though. My other ones will be longer and better. But same style though.
I mean, I smiled, but if I got an exploding baby head for my birthday (animated or otherwise), I would be, well...
yeah. Anyways, moderate animation, good concept, and I think I hear the MIc rattling around at one point.
Not bad.
At what point did this SEEM like a good idea? Not to be rude, you need to consider your subject matter a little better. If I had a kid, and he posted something like this for my birthday, I'd be more than a little irritated. Hell, if one of my buddies posted something like this I'd probably kick his ass, not to mention never going hunting with him again. Not a laughing matter. Target ID is #1 priority, whatever the situation.
alllrighty then. Well i did seem like it was a good idea actually lol. i loved this idea infact. Its probably because u dont have that kind of humor. if you did u would understand. and u just gotta think of it this way.....1....its a cartoon.....and never happend...
lol talk about redneck