Needs improving and more effort
Hmmm ok well this was entertaining ill give you that, guess this was for china day and such, your animation is quick and short and seems to {LOOP} so you may want to add some stop action code so it doesnt loop, not just that but you may want to, think more of a story for it yours seemed more {RANDOM} then anything else, and seems to have nothing to do with china day but hey there has been alot worse that has come thru the portal, now all the {FACES} are cute, but you just need much more content and think of a story maybe they could have some sorta battle? or something along them lines, but something but i did have abit of a chuckle watching this so it was ok lol, anyways better luck next time. try and improve with those tips i suggested and ill post a few more down below.
First of all add more to the story, give it more meaning, it was too short too random, this movie "LOOPS" now thats actually an easy fix, you can use a stop-action-code from the action - script and there are actually lots of easy to understand tutorials here on the site to view on how this is done if you dont know, but anyways the stop-action-code will stop the looping, but dont forget to add some "PLAY" and "REPLAY" buttons for the viewers to restart viwing the flash
some smiley icons battling it seems, needs more thought and effort.