rating you based on your maturity level, shame i can't rate any lower than a 1.
Chao San Newgraaandz
Tonight we are very happy to welcome our Chinese fellas in our community with a new episode of the classical and very tasteful series Wixen.
Enjoy this wonderful gift to my far east buddies
(Audio by Knorkator... those guys used to rock... :(
It's not even Chinese, damnit! It's Thai... but seriously... who gives a shit)
rating you based on your maturity level, shame i can't rate any lower than a 1.
You are not supposed to rate people based on their maturity level, good sir.
Also there is a button called "no stars".
I hope I could help you
no seriously, you're a goddamn philistine
ausnahmsweise is es mal gut n kraut auf NG zu sein da weiss man in seltenen fällen doch was auf einen zukommt ^^
Ich glaub da ist was dran...
there he strikes again -.-
Actually nice and fluent animations and blablabla and a nice idea and whatever...
Seriously to all people who blam that
I cant see a difference between him and the creators of the "meet n fuck" series
Except he is a little bit more hillarious
Why, thank you fine man!
Love ya
Chairman Fulp will not condone such actions
Prepare to have account deleted for offending the greatest nation ever. xp
Oh yeah baby