hmm it's a little bit razy
i didnt understand some parts it's dificult you have to a flash butm ore goood made you have to do it in 4 weeks that's minimum you cn fefa to do ananimation
p.s. can you stop with this cybern thing
I know your day wouldn't be complete without Cyberen Sillies. Its like heroin only not as good for your complexion! So, without further ado, here are tonight's Sillies!
Last episode ( m/portal/view/488970), Nurse Shartzworth tried to coax Cyberen off of the roof of the Sylvia Plath Memorial Happy Hospital. Cyberen was having vivid hallucinations about having a demonic sort of tea party, and was unknowingly drinking from Patrick Swayze's colostomy bag.
When Nurse Shartzworth scooted over to the edge of the roof to take a sip from the colostomy bag as a gesture of good will, she "sat on" one of Cyberen's hallucinatory friends, causing Cyberen to attempt to kill his old friend Nurse Shartzworth! In the brawl that ensued, both Cyberen and Nurse Shartzworth were thrown off the roof of the hospital, landing 8 stories below on top of Dr. Buttswallows's environmentally friendly car.
Now, the two friends wake up in the same room of Happy Hospital all bandaged up and feeling terrible about last night's events. In a series of flashbacks, Cyberen and Nurse Shartzworth will reminisce about their most beloved memories since the benevolent nurse's first appearance in "C For Cyberen ( m/portal/view/461480)".
Are you ready to laugh and cry with Cyberen and Nurse Shartzworth? You better be 'cause tonight's first Silly is coming at you RIGHT NOW!
hmm it's a little bit razy
i didnt understand some parts it's dificult you have to a flash butm ore goood made you have to do it in 4 weeks that's minimum you cn fefa to do ananimation
p.s. can you stop with this cybern thing
No, just no.
You put more effort in the loading screen, the introduction, and the Author Comments than the actual video.
I'm sorry, but this deserves a BLAM. Please put some effort into your videos and make them better than the average YouTube video, at least.
ok again
I like the theam you have started I would just like you to do more with this cyberen I mean if you could have him do something .But I do like the charactor he just needs to do something