love the sounds + animation love this lol are sure this is your first?
This is my first sprite movie so criticize all you want i wont stop you im just trying my best to get better
any ways Try to enjoy.
Since i dont have credits or buttons, so it will loop sorry.
Naruto: Neimad
Sasuke: Neimad
Most SFX's: Neimad
Stage: >>DoB<<
Oh! and i need some help with the bckground song but i cant inport it into says the file cant be read >=[
love the sounds + animation love this lol are sure this is your first?
The best Naruto/Sasuke fight I've seen!
Though I haven't seen many, this one is great, aside from the fact there's no sound. Still, a 10/10 from me. Keep it up!
Not bad for a first time
It has some bad parts about the fighting and no music or sound FX makes it hard to get into the action (what little action there was) but I've definitely see worse sprite movies before. Keep trying and you'll eventually make something great
it was a great first try!
the only problems i had with it were the sound wasnt synced right and it was choppy at parts, but that comes with experience, good job for your first flash!!
Ehh, mmill cut ya some slack
It was pretty good for your first submission. I give it a 7, cause it did lack a few things.