what just hapend? why? i might just be me not getting it but i didnt laugh once... and i belive some off my brain cells have commited suicide
I made this for the lulz.
Guy with a hat.
Sorry for no music.
I hope you'll laugh and enjoy.
what just hapend? why? i might just be me not getting it but i didnt laugh once... and i belive some off my brain cells have commited suicide
You didn't laugh because you can't.
Funny dude :D
The lulz were worth it.
I think the point of stick animation is to have characters sliding across the page, and even without a proper transaction or animation. It provides more comedy (the fast kind) by not having to wait for a character to stroll in when it's faster to just throw them in.
What I'm trying to say is:
Simplicity works, mate. This was for the lulz, and the lulz are satisfied.
The lulz are my pleasure.
way funny.
.ynnuf yaw