This is some sticks running on some balls and other stuff so you know.
This was for a collab but I don't know what happened to it so this is a short stick movie, so don't fucking write stuff like it's too short and was that all because I know.
I'll hope that you guys like it and if you do say it.
thx :P
Would be awsome in a collab.
To bad you didnt get to use it in the collab. If it does get released what will it be called, or who is the organizer that it will be released by?
I really liked the music, and thats some nice animation you did :)
thx:P I don't think it's going to release...
Good and all...
Its was better then i thought it would be but Its SO FREAKING SHORT!!!!!
know... sorry, but i did this just so you peoples can see what i can do...
what was that?
it was just peoples on balls?
I know... read the text
this was funny
but the fact is, it IS too short, I'd love to see it in a colab but by it self, let the rating speak for its self.
yee... but thx