It's ok.
I was kind of confused about the message you were trying to explain, you could've explained it a little more. The animations were very cool too.
This is so bad, So I wil be remaking it soon. I'll post that one as well.
Sounds - Spitfire19er
Effects done in Photoshop - Spitfire19er
It's ok.
I was kind of confused about the message you were trying to explain, you could've explained it a little more. The animations were very cool too.
Agreeing with the user "youassasin", I didn't get the mensage you were trying to pass... Also, a preloader would be pleasant, since it's 8.5 megabytes.
I preloader would be nice. I'm new to flash can forgot all about it.
Do you mean message? I guess it's easier for the people in my class to see it. We are talking about Children's Rights. If you can't afford the medical bills, in underdeveloped countries your children will most probably not be born in a hospital. Meaning they will not have a birth certificate or an identity. Meaning you have no rights. Without an official identity you can't go to school or leave your country.
fuck da hata's
I liked it. Fuck that guy under me. he doesn't know shit. i do.
Not good
you get 3 stars for making a video but none for it
I see where you're going but it's not good.
Thanks? I'm all good to here constructive criticism but your post is useless?