Watched this video when it first came out and still watch it and the final episode every so often cause its that damn good
I finally ended my last flash movie. The Last Fight. I must say this was an enourmous work . It took me an year to finish, but i could have done this in 5 months. why? well you know...job, study,...same stuff, but most important this was done 100% in paper, all you are watching was done in a sheet of paper
(again) with nothing more than a pencil, and had to scan every ingle frame of this animation. Of course there's the edition part, wich is digital ( colouring, etc. )
So, back to the important stuff....
I hope you like this movie as much as I enjoyed making it.!!!
EDIT: woah third place! Im more than satisfied with this reward! :)
One thing I hated are the destructive comments Ive recived lately. like "go kill yourself", "go die"," or "fuckface"...whatever. I didn't know a flash movie could make someone insult me like that.
I want to tell you I read every single comment and learn from every single one. Spelling mistakes will be corrected ( I'm sorry english is not my first language as you can see), and I promise to improve my animations on my feature works.
Thank you all.
EDIT2: spelling mistakes corrected!
Watched this video when it first came out and still watch it and the final episode every so often cause its that damn good
WOW! the drama....! Its a good history for two brothers! (*¬*)
well done young animator, you have earned much praise. :3
great job
I won't lie, this was pure awesome
As of why people hate you so much I don't know,I mean I hate Justin Bieber so I don't listen to his music and I don't really bother myself with anything about him, why can't people do the same instead of being the world's worst trolls, and dickfaces?