Not rly funny unless you recgonise the clips
These things work better when you don't have to know the clips, otherwise only a small selection of the audience will be able to appreciate the humour
Okay, so I went and made a short Phoenix Wrong style Flash, this time with Apollo Justice. It's not the best, I'll admit, but a number 2 is in the works, this time hopefully longer, and with lots more variety.
Audio is in the Credits
Apollo Justice (C) Capcom
[I make no profit from this Flash, and I own nothing but the Flash file itself.]
[Thanks for the positive feedback so far!]
Not rly funny unless you recgonise the clips
These things work better when you don't have to know the clips, otherwise only a small selection of the audience will be able to appreciate the humour
Pretty good
first one was funny... actally most of them were... "maybe a vet" "an evil vet?" roflmao
lol, Thanks for the review and the score!
here we go
not bad, short, funny moments, its there
Thanks for reviewing!