kill me instead
This is just a game I put together for everyone in B.C Canada who is angry with our Premier.
It took me awhile. the concept was easy ,but it was harder then it looked to make.
If you are an American you probably won't know who Campbell is (unless you watch canadian tv), so just enjoy it for the violence.
Lastly this is for entertainment purposes only, and I will not be held responsible for any actions by the viewers.(just covering any liabilities)
kill me instead
Another politically motivated "kill x game." No good content here, and I generally dislike things that are hate motivated.
Gordon Campbell sucks
This should be improved so we can beat the crap out of our fucking premier. I can't believe that bastard won again! Ignore DoomHBK, he's just a dumbass who doesn't know Gordon Campbell the jackass.
I wish
i wish i really could kill that bastard but i here he has lukemia so yay!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish it were real!
That guy is a jerk! when i played this, I couldnt stop laughing! good job!