Though incomplete very entertaining.
Well its my first ever animation
I think its incomplete
Im not sure if i really wanna do anymore on it
But hey
Enjoy the noobyness
Though incomplete very entertaining.
Add music seems like somethign was going to happen until it just loop...
o well
Very smooth for your first ever animation, cute ending too, I would say leave it as it is and start a new one, this one is a very promising first and you obviously have a good grip on FBF, I'd like to see what else you can doo, now that you have movement down, you should record some audio and try a lipshynching flash, maybe something funny, PM me if you need any help with anything in flash (beside actionscript)
Good frame-by-frame, as in, it looked smooth and everything. maybe improve it a bit, add a less abrupt stop, for example. :)
This animation deserves to stay on NG more than most of the shapes animations submitted today. FBF is just great. Keep it ip !