Awesome. So cool. 3,5 stars
there are my best anims ( pivot ) , enjoy !
Awesome. So cool. 3,5 stars
love it
BUT the sound was a bit scratchy in some parts but great work otherwise man!!
I pivot too :)
Dont delude urself my friend, unexperienced people cnt give ranks, dd has the biggest standarts and if u make it there u'll make it here, dont listen to people saying boarderline inter, the animaitons were low-med beg at best... sorry, but ill give ya a 5 for the effort, take a look at my stuff too :)
lol , I know , I'm not very good in pivot^^ , but I like my anims ! :D
Borderline Inter.
Good stuff!
Animation is a little jerky, but still, this is a very good compilation! Channeling DBZ at one point there, weren't you? Well done!