i lmaoed so hard wen u said the number N, and wen u went i love you at the end
she probably just got rid of the order
Lol I called some thai place, placed an order of one sexual chicken to O-a-e-k-v-e-e-i-e-l-l-e Avenue from the phone number 519-420(high times)-48 - n as in Nancy - 9
Kind of long, about 8 miniutes!
i lmaoed so hard wen u said the number N, and wen u went i love you at the end
she probably just got rid of the order
i want a sexual chicken to and great prank man
http://farm1.static.flickr.com/36/810 92767_f4e1fe1ea9.jpg?v=0
That's some sexy chicken right there.
=D thanks
I voted a 2/5 because I feel bad for the lady, but the prank you pulled off was epic. I should order sexual chicken more often.
on a random note, I'm wanting some real Thai food now.
Get the sexual chicken man! It's so kinky!
Wow man I busted up when you said "and as in the number &" because I hadn't gotten it yet. It's kind of different when you're talking to a foreigner though. Now I'm really hungry for some chinese food with crunchy noodles.
Haha! Actually I had said N lmao, she was like N as in Nancy? I was like "yes the number N" Lmao Thanks for the 10 man! haha!
funny, but a bit too drawn out. still good though.
Hey thanks! I know! haha I wasn't expecting it to take so long to give her the delivery info. Need like a fast forward button or something, like the drag bar youtube has, I don't know AS well enough for that though.
Thanks for the 7 :D!