I like how the fly disappears and reappears faster than I can comment on it!
the crazy gekko show!! muisc by me :3
I like how the fly disappears and reappears faster than I can comment on it!
what? why is this so populaur?
i don't get it! all it is is a gecko moveing its head back and forth! its two frames with weird muisic, so what! its just a gecko(hmm...pale pinkish tan skin, sticky feet, long thin tail, is that a albino tokay gecko or a albino house gecko?)
That's one crazy gecko.
You, my friend , are a genius! THIS IS EPIC, he's like moving his head and stuff.
Oh that crazy gekko!!!!!!!!!!!
What will he come up with next?
Hey someone's voting all nice reviews "unhelpful"
Well despite the fact that this is wonderful I am forced to say it is a duffel bag full of assorted craps to avoid being called unhelpful.
Tough break pal.