I loves... from jelly time! that's banana from so the random wins! I love nukes!!!
After a month of work and stuff it is finnaly done i hope you all will like it
And special thanks to Nathan (muffinman9) for kickass effects :)
Please leave a review ;P
I loves... from jelly time! that's banana from so the random wins! I love nukes!!!
A Bit Anti-Climatic
The best part about this was the visual and audio special effects. I would have liked to seen more of a story line. Voices would have been a nice touch. As far as creativity and design I think that you made good choices as far as realism with Mario's character as well as the game play backgrounds. I think that it could have been more of a build up to the end, though. The "random" ending was the best one. The other two were anti-climatic. I could tell that there was a lot of work put into this. I don't think that there's much that needs to be done to make it perfect! I hope to see more soon!
yeah i have to admit that the endings indeed were abit anti-climatic since it was the end of a long animation time and i was growning kind of impatient and unfortunatly rushed some aspects.
Thanks for your review saramary3
I can't say it was uneventful, but they story made no sense at all, animation was decent, sounds where all very similar(if not the same).
if you tried to go the random way with this flash, then it needed to me more random, i also think that the terrain was very boring and uninteresting. the comedy aspect(if u tried to include it) was very "not fun".
STORY: 3/10
TOTAL: 4.8
This dosn't really help.. the story is from the other mario slayers, it guess it can be kind of confusing if you didn't know of them.
It would actually help me if you did try to point out what i could use to improve instead of the nitpicking.
Although I don't watch too many sprite flashes since I don't see them often. I remember when users would work as large teams and put a lot of effort into making a great flash sprite game or movie and they tended to get awards on the front page for the hard earned effort. Been a long time since then, glad to see users like you still work with sprites.
Animation was pretty great here I guess with the fire, explosions, and video game cross overs that kept happening. Would have been cool if you spent a little more time and gave Zero a new name and color scheme along with a couple of unique attacks and such. The ability to choose an ending was nice too.
The sounds used here were all pretty fitting and seemed to go with the flow. Also the sound effects used give a good amount of life to the animation which makes it better than some of the cruddier and more silent sprite animation where the author spends little time working on one.
Overall, turned out alright.
Review Request Club
Thanks, the sprite usage is kind of fadig away it seems.
I get alot of points about the zero thingy, yeah it was the first time i worked with more "advanced" sprites and editing zero to make it more unique is a resonable idea!
Thank you SCTE3.
I've seen better
Well, there were a few bits and pieces here that made me laugh, a few that made me cringe. A few tweaks here and there should solve most of these issues though:
When the preloader starts, don't have the music play - it's quite loud and while it helps to set the scene for the piece, it's best not to have it play until the menu.
With some of the sprite manipulations, I'd suggest that you spend a little more time in getting the sprites of the right size - blowing them up makes the piece look slightly ridiculous and for example when Mario slides through the turtles, why can't you have the shell lying on the floor, instead of just rotating them onto their backs?
When there is conversation, I've never been a fan of subtitles, as they can distract. Perhaps get a voice actor in and the subtitles can tie into what is being said at the time.
In the final fight with Zero, when Mario wins, he flips a block up and drops it onto Zero, who had ample time to move. Doing something there, perhaps making the death a little quicker would assist the flow?
It was good to see that you did three endings and that certainly helps to drag the piece out for a little longer and to anyone reading this review, I'd certainly recommend that they try all three endings, as they are all different and there is some fun thrown in there as well. This piece has definite potential and I'd like to see more of it, if you can smooth out some of the issues.
[Review Request Club]
You bring up some good points coop.
About the preloader music, it was the first time i ever tried to do that kind of thing and wanted to see if it would work out.
About the sprites..well that is a good question actually, im not exactly sure what was going trought my mind back there..
I never really liked using voice acting, i tried it but never used it in anything that i published, mayby i should give it another shot.
The final fight with zero, yes i know it was kind of ridicoulous and not so effortable but it was the last parts of the flash and my mind wanderd away, making me wanting to get it done as fast as i could wich i regret.
Thanks coop you made good points that i most certanly will use in the case of another mario related flash submission.