all I saw was the walking turtle then the video ended.
BEFORE you watch this film, you MUST read this first:
One year ago (I think) I came up with the idea of making a horror flash Video starring The Tails doll. I started with an extraordinary intro but stopped my work afterwards. Unfortunatelly I've lost my passion about doing flash videos. However, I'm thinking about a restart of my work, but first I need to know if this is good enough to be continued. Otherwise I'm gonna make a new video.
So, please don't leave bad comments because I didn't finished it. I just wanna know if it's a good intro for a video.
Music: Opening of The Movie "Sweeney Todd - The Demon Barber of Fleer Street.
all I saw was the walking turtle then the video ended.
Yeah, ... this video is utter garbage...
Tails Doll:Can you feel the sunshine? Me,Tails,and Mario:AHHHH!!!!
plz finish
i thought it was rly good man!
I LOVE IT! (so far)
yo really should finish it though i love watching horror tails doll videos. (P.S. Can yOu FeEL THE SunSHine? DoeS iT bRiGTen Up yoUr DaY? DoN't You FEeL ThaT SoMetimES, YoU JusT NeEd TO... RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
i want to see wat happens to the turtle i was jus gettin into it when the turtle was walkin then out of nowhere PLAY pops up lol it looks very interestin though mario background and character somethin interestin is gonna happen