This Movie...
Sucks ? NO this movie funny !
i'm still playing the game DOOM and i downloaded sum music, sounds and sprites.. made sum ideas and animated stuff and Boom! there you have it! Doom the movie part 1!! i still dont know when part 2 will be released..
Notice that this is 1 of my first flash movies!
This Movie...
Sucks ? NO this movie funny !
needs work
its good tho
One Scene, very boring.
There was really only one scene in the whole "movie". We only get to see one demon...lame. A lot of reading leading up to disappointment.
well, sorry! its just 1 of my first flashes!! geez!
Too much reading, not enough action. The background was very poor, looks like you lazily threw it together in Paint.
nope not in paint just flash... i just made it look a bit "older" by giving it a MS paint style...
and well yer srry that there was too much reading..
yea doom
doom is my favorite game but i like more god of war 1.2 and 3 the new
ok! well have fun playing god of war then! and of course DOOM