Tee hee
That spear did not want to move :D
When I first started to watch it I thought " oh noes another bad stick flash" but then I continued to watch and found it to be good :3
Particulary liked the tank animation.
I'm not that great of an animator, but I was was very pleased at how this one came out, so I thought I might give Newgrounds another shot. Enjoy.
December 13, 2008, 10:16 PM EDIT:::
SOUND ADDED! thanks so much for your great reviews!
The sounds are from: Warcraft III, Game Maker, And custom-recorded.
Tee hee
That spear did not want to move :D
When I first started to watch it I thought " oh noes another bad stick flash" but then I continued to watch and found it to be good :3
Particulary liked the tank animation.
a suggestion
add sound to it and it would be perfect
Thanks! I'll see if I can find some sounds to add.
ahh.... the wonders of copy and paste... =D
It would be even better with some sound.
Thanks! I'll see if I can find some sounds to add.
not bad
could use some sound
Thanks! I'll see if I can find some sounds to add.
It Was good but it needs sound..............badly
Thanks! I'll see if I can find some sounds to add.