Very touching. As a rainforest enthusiast, this video has found a way to my heart. Those monkeys didn't deserve to lose their homes. :'(
This movie was created with flash cs4. if parts seem missing or incomplete, please
update to flash player 10.
Merry Christmas.
Very touching. As a rainforest enthusiast, this video has found a way to my heart. Those monkeys didn't deserve to lose their homes. :'(
excellent animation, great graphics and effects. This is the way.
Conscience is what the world needs to stop this madness that is happening in the Amazon.
Merry Christmas
dude i love your concept
but NG wants to see high quality stuff.
i could have made thisin like 2 days.
work on your timing.
finely tuned work gets the best ratings, unless your concept is out of this world.
and if you want to get your stuff noticed, which by the cause i'm guessing you do, make it excellent!
good luck.
i wish you peace and balance man.
its a great job man
everything is true
the amazonia needs to be saved