i love douglass adams
i have not read the 5th book
Mostly harmless by Douglas Adams, yes an amazing read. Thought i might just upload a piece with some 1 hour thrown together bathroom type symbol entities.
i love douglass adams
i have not read the 5th book
I liked it, I dunno. In all reality, it wasn't of that great animation quality or length, which is why I'm giving it 8 not 10. I liked the concept, which, to me, is what makes up about 60% of my judgment. Also, I'm not saying that it was poorly animated, just that, with what you've shown us here, that you could do much better.
Overall; good job.
You know... I like it.
It's not much, but it's pretty good, definitely shows a lot of potential, particularly the voice acting. I'd like better if it were longer and had more characters.