Needs to be a little longer than 1 second. Just a bit (as in a lot)
So Im hoping to make a series called 'The Retarded series' Its parodys of games n stuff..
so yeh this is a short of 'Assasins creed ReTaRdEded'
Needs to be a little longer than 1 second. Just a bit (as in a lot)
Maybe you should put a bit more time into it? :)
How did this not get blammed when every flash i submit including the ones that get above a 3 rating get removed?
so much hatin
everyone seems to dislike this, I don't blame them, but I guess I'll give some advice but where to begin...
overall it seems you just didn't want to put in the time necessary for this, otherwise you could have had more than 5 seconds of material, when it really comes down to it the animation style wasn't THAT bad, you just had very little of it and went staight into the action, have a pause before the jump, you don't even need anymore animation, just coppies of the first frame,
if you don't want to put in the effort for more than 5 seconds of animation you should leave the concept of a series behind.