The concept of this is terrible, you're literally eating crap. I think I've seen something similar to this with peppers instead. Why couldn't you just make it normal?
Accept No Substitute.
Eat Poop.
The concept of this is terrible, you're literally eating crap. I think I've seen something similar to this with peppers instead. Why couldn't you just make it normal?
he likes poop
its a fun game but it gets borring fast! you need to be able to press the mouse button really really fast other wise you will lose
Ah poop eating...
Good (nasty) idea for poop eating :P
Although the game itself sucked. Couldnt beat the first level. Maybe i suck....
"The Entertainer" should have been played throughout the whole game.. And not skip... I could play it for ya ;)
poop, but addictive
exactly what i said before. It's crap, but addictive.
hard but funny