the #1 rule of coolness
1) YOUR SHOW!!! I LOVE IT!!! A HOPE IT BECOMES #1 HIT ON NG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A idea that just pop-ed into my brain one day. Made in about 7 hours.
the #1 rule of coolness
1) YOUR SHOW!!! I LOVE IT!!! A HOPE IT BECOMES #1 HIT ON NG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sweet *highfive*
:D Yay!
Very cute. I loved it, as I will one day experience the joys and pains of such things.
I hope you will.
This was a great flash! good animation!
Oh happy me:D
Reminds of psychology class... but with more flash action!
Man, I didn't know what to expect when I watched this, but this is a hidden gem! It's brilliant, the graphics were alright, the old T.V style effect highten the sense of mood, and the music was pretty fitting! Really.
The plot was great! Really funny. I'm voting five for this, it's a hiddem gem I want everyone to find! You've got potential man, this might not of been as graphically awe inspiring as the Bitey of Brackenwood stuff, but the idea behind it all, the creativity needed to make such a flash, brilliant! Keep up the good work!
Wouldn't be surprised if this got Underdog of the week!
DICK JOKE :D, hahaha.
Thank you for the review. I dont quite understand why you gave it a score of 4/10 if you liked it so much.