it was nice,and funny
This is it. The Monty Python and The Holy Grail toon. It's a cross-over between Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Castle Crashers.
I'm debating over whether or not to make more of these, I've put a few ideas on the back burner for this and I want to see what you all think. Any comments are appreciated and welcome.
NOTE: Castle crashers is property and coppyright of The Behemoth, I do not own it.
it was nice,and funny
not very smooth but not a terrible idea for a comedy flash .
would have been good if a nun had come along when he was doing his none shall pas bit and he let her through then it would have made a Monty python joke.
I have a feeling that the people who put lol have never seen holy grail or are completly fucking retarted he doest just sit there and say none shall pass they actually fight and its only a flesh wound i fucking hate that you made this i hope they sue you for copyright infrigment maybe you should have actually watched the movie and actually had them fighting and the guy who dies in the begining shouldnt be talking
how a stake kill a knight?
Crappy but funny
It proves you don't have to animate something well for it to be funny, of course Egoraptor's already proven that but... um ...yeah ... It was funny.