sound effects are so half arsed it is brilliant, you are the least enfusiasted voice actor around, 10/10
dun dun dunnnnnn.
sound effects are so half arsed it is brilliant, you are the least enfusiasted voice actor around, 10/10
Clumbsy, yet funny
Quite funny, the animation is not bad by itself, but is just something illustrative, the audio is where the real fun is... but it could be made better... i think 7 out of 10 is quite fair for it ;p
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh hhhhh :S nlaasdfsqdfg!!! vagina
lmao xD
the voices/sound effects sucked so bad it made it funny xD
Pretty cool, has potential.
I thought the animation was good but it didnt look like you were trying to make something seriously funny, more like you were bored and didnt have any plans on making this vid whatsoever. Make another one.