this was better than all your other vids man 10/10 5/5!!!
this is my first saw flash with madness guys in it i will probly make a series of it if i i'm up for it just is just an idea and stuff that will be into it.............
RATE or jigsaw will find u
this was better than all your other vids man 10/10 5/5!!!
It's okay
But I've seen abit better it's good though.
nice job
8 for creativity but keep working on it and make things longer.
Just work on your animation
Just like everybody else, we just need to keep improving. This is a start
2 stars here, vote of 1 there
gave it a 1
nothing impressive or even interesting
it's just the most basic and boring saw trap that's been done to death in a terrible quality and you couldn't even record some audio?
lol have u seen madness they don't got people talking