English: Oh yeah, this is great, brazillian animators not have to be underestimated!
Brazillian Portuguese: Isso aí, maravilhoso, animadores brasileiros não devem ser subestimados!
Hi guys, I'm an animator Brazil. I learned and grew up in a forum called Stickman animations, a nice forum to talk about animation in flash, pivot and Easing Toon, besides teach some things about design. Yeah, commenting on my animation fight, enjoy.
English: Oh yeah, this is great, brazillian animators not have to be underestimated!
Brazillian Portuguese: Isso aí, maravilhoso, animadores brasileiros não devem ser subestimados!
Sweet movie
I noticed how the lighter blue guy made brazil seem obsolete with his wicked powers. One question though, did you ever animate with Flair?
muito bom!
a animaçao ficou muito boa!!
cara ADOREI!!! eh mto loko soh qui vc podia faze um poco mais longo