lolz she didnt take out the poison xP
This is my first Flash! It's not especially amazing, but I put a lot of effort in it and comments would be appreciated :D! If you enjoy this movie, look forward to Fun Naruto Fan Flash 2 ! :D
lolz she didnt take out the poison xP
Well Done
I realy enjoyed this. And I like your love for detailes, like that cute Gaara picture at the wall X3
But theres one thing I'd like to critisise: Your credits are to fast! I needet to wach the movie three times to get the interpret of the last song. But I give you 10 anyway 'cause the vid is more relevant.
Thanks for that kiaraneko :) I made those credits fast so that they wouldnt annoy anyone taking too long if they wanted to replay or anything, but for future flashes I will fix that, im glad u enjoyed the gaara picture lol :D!
enjoyed it! =D
I really did enjoy it, I thought the part w/ Sakura was funny. xD And the tempo part I really liked prolly bc Itachi was there =P (i am a very overobsessed fan >.<) Anyway, despite the fact that a lot of people DID make things like this, it's no real reason not to try it yourself. I liked it, but I give it a 9 because it WAS kinda short.
Don't let the fact that people made others of these bring you down!
nice one
i like the ideas and songs but i give u a 9 instead of ten because i think that you should try if you can to make it longer and have more scenes but either way is goin in my faves :D so GOOD JOB
heres my thoughts
The naruto thing is way over done like everyone said, there a few ideas to be touched. the whole saskue thing with orichmaru has been put the grave. maybe you can do something with the lesser known ninjas, just an idea.
well atleast give me credit for the neji one and tsunade/shizune/sakura/medical nins! no one hardly ever uses them to be the main characters. its usually sasuke and sakura or orochimaru/jiraiya with tsunade! so i tried to make it a lil bit different.. but again, this was just a test for my first flash real movie. I have bigger things in store.