make a back-to-back sequels Random Stuff 9 and 10! PLEASE!
EDIT: I removed the other Random Stuff 8 animation due to me getting requests to remove the background music. So I did and here it is again.
To those who didn't read this last time: This is the final installment of the series. Considering I started this series back in 2005, I think this is a good way to end it. I'm pleased with the success it's gotten considering it is.....a bunch of random stuff. But hey, I love comedy and I love to laugh.
I'll be deploying to Balad, Iraq in January/February so wish me luck!
Enjoy the movie!
make a back-to-back sequels Random Stuff 9 and 10! PLEASE!
I wonder.......
I wonder if 9s coming out.......
make another random stuff 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, and 18.i saw all the others but dident coment
Not something we havent seen before, but funny.
It was classic. It was entertaining and funny to watch. I just liked it.
Weve all seen most of this sort of stuff before, but its always gonna be funny.
I said... put the bunny back in the box
I thought i had seen that title before. Its funny as hell.
awesome series.
and good luck!