The music really compliments the animation. Great job :D
Some people liked the dead silence of the original, so I'm going to be leaving that up. This version has been scored by a friend of mine, though, which was sort of the original intent. He's on NG as Ectonaut! Everyone likes ants! Do the ants in the pants dance!! Fear Hole coming fairly soon, and after that a pilot for an entirely new series (or just more damn Fear Hole, either/or)
The music really compliments the animation. Great job :D
first time it was kinda creepy and now the secondtime its funny
better than the silent one, it's more creepy with the music :D
I watched it the first time without sound, and couldn't connect with it. I felt there should have been sound, but minus talking. With this one I can connect with it. I'm able to get the meaning behind the film. Pretty good and creepy, I would have never thought of an anthill making home on your forehead.
thats sum twisted shit
very dark. kinda made me feel bad