Im Aussie.
See, we're proud of all that...
My friend and I made this for a Catholic/IST subject. This is all about Australia, in other words sterotypical australia. BTW this is are first attempt with flash
Comment and rate pls =)
Im Aussie.
See, we're proud of all that...
im an aussie...
its just rude...
The driving question for this project was 'what is australian identity'. So my friend and I came up with are story which was based on the old aussie commericals such as the paul hogan commerical ( xq0uuQ). My friend and I thought 'hey this is what people think of Australia' hence the name sterotypical Australia.
BTW my friend and I live in Australia to; but thanks for commenting =D
I think with a lot of time and the same ammount of effort, you could really have had something here. First of all though... um... Why were all the stick figures naked? Just asking out of my own curiosity. Hmm... Well, perhaps next time with some good background music, making the jokes a little more exaggerated, and some good voice actors, you could really make this entertaning. =3 I'm serious. Try again some time! Good luck!
With love,
LadyArsenic <3
Uuuuuhm... well...
At least you tried ^^"
i had to...
i had to vote at least a four because of the way you portrayed the Federal Election! A boxing match! lol. animation needs some work...and maybe you could make it so it doesn't loop. all in all. 4/5 7/10