dude you dont have to be so mean..she is a lady after all...and it wasnt that bad anyways
This is kind of an inside joke, but it's kind of universal. Enjoy.
dude you dont have to be so mean..she is a lady after all...and it wasnt that bad anyways
THAT WAS RETARDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dude this doesnt even require one of my long detailed and descriptive time wasting review. just THAT WAS RETARDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow i hope thats a funny inside joke... cuz that sucked for me
It WaS gOoD.............yAaAh UhHhH iT wAs GoOd........HmMmM wHaT mOrE dOeS a BoReD iMmAtUrE 14 yEaR oLd HaVe To SaY........wElL uHhH i ApPrEcIaTe ThE wOrK yOu PuT iNtO yOuR sTuFf......:D
what were you on when you thought this thing up.
......Yeah. What the hell was that? I suppose a little bit of clarification would be necessary here, in ordwer for your 'humour' to carry across.